The April 2017 “ShinyGlow” Limited Edition Fennux Coat is here!
Wishing well, Smishing well… who needs ‘em!? Why turn dens into LEs when you can pay up front L$5k! It’s a steal! We got rid of the wishing well, because we wanted to make pure profit, so now all LEs are just L$5,000 – hand over the money asap! Weeeee!!111
I guess you can call them… L$ E’s… get it? L$ E’s???… ah ha… i’ll see myself out.
Oh, but we still want 12 dens… actually, make that 24 dens please – and they better be good ones.
1) Place your 12..erm, 24 Fennux Dens on the Wishing Well, putting 1 Den on each wooden panel. Scratch that, two per panel… i hope it still works…
2) Click the Wishing Well (it may take a few decades to calculate…)
3) It will ask you to confirm (YES or NO), pressing YES will drop all twel…twenty-four Dens into the Well
4) An Inventory Offer will present itself to you, press KEEP to get your LE Den, at this time you also will receive 0 Days (0 Kibbles) of Reserve Food, which is visible on your HUD instantly (we got rid of this too, sorry)
And that’s all there is to it! Enjoy your LE Fennux Den, and your 0 Days of Reserve Food!
I don’t know? Why are you asking me?! I’m just Daemon Blackflag!
I bet there is supposed to be some important information here… hm…
Thanks for reading,
-Team Fennux