Fencyclopedia - Coats
(Updated on August 28, 2021 at 9:25 PM SLT)
Regions |
Coats |
Ear Traits |
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Hair Traits |
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Whisker Types |
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Desert (T1)
A golden coat from the Saharan Region, with soft white highlights on the paws, tail, face and underbelly. It's pattern helps it blend in to the desert scenery it roams about.
Stripes (T2)
The white/black patterns on this coat help deflect up to 70 percent of the heat that hits its body. A pack of these specialied Fennux can confuse onlookers via the optical illusion 2 or more create when moving around each other.
Kenya (T3)
A Fennux with a washed out beige top coat, fluffy white undercoat, and splotches of espresso brown all throughout the head, ears, body, legs and tail. The unique markings on this coat serve a purpose for hunting prey.
Lanky (T4)
The pattern on this Fennux coat serves its host as a form of camouflage. The alternating colors in the pattern confuse predators and Fennux Researchers alike.
King (T5)
Its no secret that this Fennux has some sort of hierarchy of authority. The King coat is truly the king of the Saharan region... or is it?
Leaper (T6)
Unlike most coats in this region it sports a lovely green coloration. Hop hop hop.
Spots (T7)
One of the fastest Fennux ever seen in the wild. Its named for its obvious spotted pattern.
Ringer (T8)
A very peculiar, tree dwelling Fennux with a black and white ringed tail.
Lope (T9)
A fennux that seems to resemble a coat from the Fawns Breedable Pet Game. I wonder which one it could be...
Coral (T10)
A rare variation of the Desert Fennux. Its coat has pinkened over time.
Static (T1)
From the Americas, this Fennux seems to have taken inspiration from other regions, adapting to have a black top coat with a white underbelly, with dabs of white fluff all around.
Foxy (T2)
The Orange to Black to White fades on this coat help it blend in and stay out of danger, note it's long black glove-like paws, and it's black-tipped ears.
Antlers (T3)
A medium brown coat with rounded square markings on it's upper hind legs, sometimes sighted by humans in woodlands and across large plains.
Swifty (T4)
An orange and silver coat with black tips on it's ears and tail, distinct black facial markings as well. Rarely seen, this Fennux is able to move quickly.
Bandit (T5)
A coat that looks almost always guilty with its black bandit style mask. When sighted by humans it often has something to do with scavenging for food scraps.
Monarchy (T6)
It's been heard of for years but no one until now has seen it's black and orange beauty. It's as if it has been in a cocoon, waiting to hatch.
Unity (T7)
This Fennux stands for freedom, and nothing else.
Rockin (T8)
Tweet, Tweet, Tweetly-deet.
Platinum (T9)
Hm. This one's practically named after one of the Fennux Starter Packs. Was Daemon running low on ideas? Naw I'm kidding, it's a lovely, platinum coated Fennux!
Uprising (T10)
A rare variation of the Monarchy coat. Over time it has evolved to have an opposing coloration.
Alaska (T1)
A pack of these Fennux could probably pull a sled, if they were Grande sized of course. Their pattern is similar to other canines in the area. Scientists often wonder if cross breeding aided in its color scheme.
Sneaky (T2)
Found mostly near grassy valleys in the arctic near rivers and streams, this particular coated Fennux always seems to be able to slip in and out of sight.
Arctic (T3)
An off-white coat that helps for it to blend in with the scenery it lives in. Often seen prancing around trying to find small prey burrowed under the snow.
Claws (T4)
A dark brown / light brown Fennux that often scavenges for meals alone. In desperate times it will attempt at stealing meals from other Fennux, even when outnumbered.
Waddles (T5)
These Fennux cannot fly, rather they slide around on their bellies and are quite the swimmers!
Gully (T6)
Often found by the arctic shoreline, these fennux have a very unique avian-like pattern.
Glacier (T7)
Somehow this Fennux shares the same name as a set of Eyes. This is Daemon's fault. Dang it Daemon!
Fins (T8)
This Fennux resembles that of... well.. something Daemon used to eat every Tuesday at a Sushi place. (Back before he was a Vegetarian...)
Reins (T9)
This Polar Fennux resembles an animal often thought to be leading a sleigh at night once a year in December.
Pinkadot (T1)
A unique looking Fennux indeed. This particular variety is often seen perched within Cheery Blossom Trees at night. Two tones of coloration: mostly dark grey (some observers claim black), with beautiful pink spotted accents.
Jaws (T2)
Note the seafoam tips and white markings on this grey coat, this Fennux is often found on the Eastern coastline roaming about, looking for a tasty meal of fish to eat.
Glider (T3)
A coat that resembles that of a gliding marsupial, with pink feet and inner-ears, and a natural looking multi-toned tan coat, it lingers mostly on the branches of trees.
Bamboo (T4)
A white and black coat with distinctive markings on its face that easily let onlookers know of its origin (The Eastern Region).
Ginger (T5)
Researchers have found that this Fennux is more closely related to the Bandit than the Bamboo.
Pacific (T6)
Sporting a deep blue that fades to seafoam green, this fen is often found lingering about the ocean coast.
India (T7)
This is the original tiger coat of The Fennux. Believe it or not, Rusty and the other LEs came after.
Krew (T8)
A fen that appears to have stepped into gold, or something, I don't know!
Eucalyptus (T9)
Some say this coated Fennux is often seen eating the leaves of its namesake alongside its kibble. Weird.
Chomper (T1)
A Fennux that dwells near the Amazon River, often caught blending in with schools of teeth wielding fish. This Fennux is one of few that make tasty meals out of them in the wild.
Blender (T2)
This Fennux is often found high up in the canopy of the rainforest, making meals out of large insects and fruits, a delicacy to any Fennux.
Caution (T3)
Don't get too close to this Fennux as it's markings clearly state a warning to all. The bacteria in the mouth of this particular breed are thought to be poisonous, which help it hunt in the wilderness.
Royalty (T4)
A very royal looking Fennux with a beautiful blue coat with golden highlights on the face and chest.
Prism (T5)
Blues fading to Yellows to Reds. You'd almost think this type of Fennux was of the avian variety.
Tribe (T6)
Dark browns with lighter tones mixed in, the patterns on this Fennux are quite unique.
Tropical (T7)
A fen found living near the equator in and around tropical islands.
Minty (T8)
Mmm.... so minty... almost like a... thin mint... mmmm, thin mints... JK it's based off of a frog.
Keets (T9)
This Fennux tends to make a loud charping noise, and blends in with birds that people often keep as pets.
Galaxy (T1)
Blue tones with black spots all around, it's obvious this Fennux is not from around here. It appears, however, it's color pattern is some sort of camouflage.
Blush (T2)
Pink like cotton candy, this Fennux is so simple yet unique, offering many tones of pinks, complete with a soft white underbelly, and white-tipped ears.
Jams (T3)
This Fennux has a black top-coat with a yellow underbelly. The green and yellow accents on it's tail, ears and paws cause many people to believe it's from a certain region of the world.
Stormy (T4)
Mostly a mustard yellow Fennux, with a few black stripes on its back. Also has black accents on its muzzle, tail, feet and ears. It looks shocking.
Neon (T5)
Resembling that of a Sabre Tooth Tiger that somehow got its fangs stuck in the 80's - this Fennux is quite the looker.
Warrior (T6)
A white basecoat with crimson red all about. This fen looks as if it's ready for battle.
Blacklight (T7)
A beautiful fen with fur that emits ultraviolet light.
Grapefruit (T8)
Pink fades into yellow-orange like that of a sunset, or well, a grapefruit.
Fishy (T9)
This Fennux is based off of some sort of salt water fish... maybe a goby of some variety...
Dreamy (T1)
Every time I see this Fennux, it makes me crave a popsicle for some reason...
Chrome (T2)
Has nothing to do with one of the largest technology empires in the world, as we prefer fires and foxes around here.
Tango (T3)
A wonderful alternating pattern of pink and yellow.
Popper (T4)
This fennux features purples and blues that really pop.
Horizon (T5)
A full spectrum of the horizon, with a hint of... referee-style sporty arm bands?
Demon (T6)
Some might say this coat looks a tad bit on the evil side. Nonsense, they're probably deceiving you.
Creamberry (T7)
A blue and white creamy berry coat. It almost reminds me of those blue/white gummy sharks. Mmm, gummy sharks.
Atomic (T8)
It's fur appears to be a tad bit radioactive. Be careful with this one.
Elly (T9)
This super cute Fennux is just that, super cute! It's solely based on being one of the cutest Fennux that it can be!
Limited Edition
Rainy (LE)
This Limited Edition Fennux resembles that of the Pinkadot, yet the color scheme is far from the same. Misty bits of teal decorate it's face, paws, ears, tail and underbelly - while the rest remains white. (THIS COAT WILL NOT PASS ONTO OFFSPRING, IT'S EYES MIGHT)
Whimsy (LE)
Whimsical indeed, this Fennux appears to have had some sort of encounter with the color violet, as if it had pranced and rolled around in paint, playfully. Note the swirled markings. (THIS COAT WILL NOT PASS ONTO OFFSPRING, IT'S EYES MIGHT)
Rusty (LE)
The natural rustic coat of this Fennux is greeted by dark black lines all across it's body. It's pattern helps it blend in to tall wild grass as it slowly stalks its prey. (THIS COAT WILL NOT PASS ONTO OFFSPRING, IT'S EYES MIGHT)
Winterfrost (LE)
Baby blue peppermint stripes coat this Fennux from nose to tail. A true representation of Winter in this XMAS RFL 2012 Limited Edition coat. (THIS COAT WILL NOT PASS ONTO OFFSPRING, IT'S EYES MIGHT)
Evergreen (LE)
Bold green peppermint stripes coat this Fennux from nose to tail. Only one exists, found by someone at the XMAS RFL 2012 expo. (THIS COAT WILL NOT PASS ONTO OFFSPRING, IT'S EYES MIGHT)
Sunburst (LE)
Bright as the Sun yet black as the night sky. This Fennux is exploding with character! (THIS COAT WILL NOT PASS ONTO OFFSPRING, IT'S EYES MIGHT)
Toxin (LE)
A mostly black Fennux with beautiful, intoxicating lime green highlights. (THIS COAT WILL NOT PASS ONTO OFFSPRING, IT'S EYES MIGHT)
Mirage (LE)
A black coat with aquatic highlights. A rare sight to see, most people who witness it are convinced it was nothing but a mind trick. (THIS COAT WILL NOT PASS ONTO OFFSPRING, IT'S EYES MIGHT)
Trippy (LE)
A teal, orange and silver Fennux with distinct stripe patterns. Only available during one of the Collabor88 events in 2013. (THIS COAT WILL NOT PASS ONTO OFFSPRING)
Elite (LE)
A black top coat, white under coat Fennux with multi-colored vibrant stripes all over. Only available in exchange for a hefty amount of FNX Points. (THIS COAT WILL NOT PASS ONTO OFFSPRING)
Vyro (LE)
A lovely violet coat with fire markings all over its body. Only available in exchange for a sizable amount of FNX Points. (THIS COAT WILL NOT PASS ONTO OFFSPRING)
Wishing Well LEs
Leagues (LE)
A coat that fades a deep ocean blue into a soft off-white, Leagues is sure to draw some attention. (THIS COAT WILL NOT PASS ONTO OFFSPRING)
Lovely (LE)
A common red and white coat made especially for Valentine's Day 2013. (THIS COAT WILL NOT PASS ONTO OFFSPRING)
Pinkentine (LE)
An uncommon pink and white coat made especially for Valentine's Day 2013. (THIS COAT WILL NOT PASS ONTO OFFSPRING)
Blackheart (LE)
A rare black and white coat made especially for Valentine's Day 2013. (THIS COAT WILL NOT PASS ONTO OFFSPRING)
Lucky (LE)
A light and dark green coat with small shamrocks all around, made especially for St. Patrick's Day / March 2013. (THIS COAT WILL NOT PASS ONTO OFFSPRING)
Meadow (LE)
A coat that truly shows the colors of spring, made especially for Easter 2013. (THIS COAT WILL NOT PASS ONTO OFFSPRING)
Eggy (LE)
A coat that resembles the coloration of a robin's egg, made especially for Easter 2013. (THIS COAT WILL NOT PASS ONTO OFFSPRING)
Chicky (LE)
A coat that resembles the coloration of a baby chicken, made especially for Easter 2013. (THIS COAT WILL NOT PASS ONTO OFFSPRING)
Nightlight (LE)
A coat that's half lavender and half gold split down the middle entirely, with unique looking front and back legs, made especially for May 2013. (THIS COAT WILL NOT PASS ONTO OFFSPRING)
Relay (LE)
A purple and white coat made especially for the RFL Breedable Fair 2013. (THIS COAT WILL NOT PASS ONTO OFFSPRING)
Lively (LE)
A red and white coat made especially for June 2013. (THIS COAT WILL NOT PASS ONTO OFFSPRING)
Patriot (LE)
A patriotic coat made especially for the celebration of USA's Independence Day of 2013. (THIS COAT WILL NOT PASS ONTO OFFSPRING)
Jungle (LE)
A neon mossy looking coat that looks like it came straight out of a radioactive rainforest. (THIS COAT WILL NOT PASS ONTO OFFSPRING)
Darkwave (LE)
A refreshing looking slate coat with accents of cyan, blue and white. (THIS COAT WILL NOT PASS ONTO OFFSPRING)
Jack (LE)
A Halloween themed coat originally made in 2012 before The Fennux were launched, availble only during October 2013. (THIS COAT WILL NOT PASS ONTO OFFSPRING)
Cranberry (LE)
This Fennux resembles that of a loved/loathed Thanksgiving side dish. (THIS COAT WILL NOT PASS ONTO OFFSPRING)
Yearly (LE)
Resembles the background on the Fennux Website... (THIS COAT WILL NOT PASS ONTO OFFSPRING)
Wintry (LE)
Has a hint of pine, and colored spherical objects all around. (THIS COAT WILL NOT PASS ONTO OFFSPRING)
Argentum (LE)
A sort of silvery finish on this Fennux. (THIS COAT WILL NOT PASS ONTO OFFSPRING)
Obscurum (LE)
This Fennux is dark yet it glistens. (THIS COAT WILL NOT PASS ONTO OFFSPRING)
Amor (LE)
You could almost fall in love with it. (THIS COAT WILL NOT PASS ONTO OFFSPRING)
Limebite (LE)
It looks like some sort of jungle cat. (THIS COAT WILL NOT PASS ONTO OFFSPRING)
Skyset (LE)
A sunset? No, this is a skyset. (THIS COAT WILL NOT PASS ONTO OFFSPRING)
Cinco (LE)
Inferno (LE)
Tiffy (LE)
A few diamond-like substances can be spotted on one of its hind legs. (THIS COAT WILL NOT PASS ONTO OFFSPRING)
Scorchy (LE)
A pure coat that is starting to develop various burned patches. (THIS COAT WILL NOT PASS ONTO OFFSPRING)
Chickadot (LE)
Similar to that of a pinkadot, this coat is a bit more mellowed. (THIS COAT WILL NOT PASS ONTO OFFSPRING)
Wraps (LE)
Every October it seems Fennux like to dress up a bit. This one got all wrapped up in bandages on its own. (THIS COAT WILL NOT PASS ONTO OFFSPRING)
Autumn (LE)
The essence of the fall season is captured in this fiery coat. (THIS COAT WILL NOT PASS ONTO OFFSPRING)
Nix (LE)
These Fennux blend in with the snowy mountain landscape that they reside in. (THIS COAT WILL NOT PASS ONTO OFFSPRING)
Novus (LE)
An other wordly fen with a modest amount of teal blue highlights. (THIS COAT WILL NOT PASS ONTO OFFSPRING)
Valenberry (LE)
A lovely brown fen with hints of pink and red, perfect for Valentine's Day. (THIS COAT WILL NOT PASS ONTO OFFSPRING)
Optics (LE)
A coat that goes through a lot of the color spectrum. (THIS COAT WILL NOT PASS ONTO OFFSPRING)
Candy (LE)
Kaiser (LE)
Winner of the Create-a-Coat contest! Kaiser is based on a real canine that served in the military. (THIS COAT WILL NOT PASS ONTO OFFSPRING)
Clearly (LE)
Teal/Yellow/Green, or something like that - this Fennux sure is bright. (THIS COAT WILL NOT PASS ONTO OFFSPRING)
Glory (LE)
A red and white striped Fennux in honor of Independence Day in the United States. (THIS COAT WILL NOT PASS ONTO OFFSPRING)
Sol (LE)
A yellow base coat with white polkadots. It's as hot as the sun!(THIS COAT WILL NOT PASS ONTO OFFSPRING)
Angles (LE)
Frankenfen (LE)
Winner of Create-a-Coat contest! Frankenfen is quite the monstrosity. (THIS COAT WILL NOT PASS ONTO OFFSPRING)
Chocomint (LE)
Mint and Chocolate goes together like, well, mint and chocolate. (THIS COAT WILL NOT PASS ONTO OFFSPRING)
Bleu (LE)
Bonjour! Or something.. I dropped out of French class. (THIS COAT WILL NOT PASS ONTO OFFSPRING)
Blizzy (LE)
A blizzard of a coat with hints of a cooling purple and blue. (THIS COAT WILL NOT PASS ONTO OFFSPRING)
Valley (LE)
A bright and cheery coat that screams February 14th. (THIS COAT WILL NOT PASS ONTO OFFSPRING)
Kiwi (LE)
This coat makes me want to eat a kiwi, I don't know why but it does. (THIS COAT WILL NOT PASS ONTO OFFSPRING)
Springtime (LE)
A bright pastel looking coat, perfect for Fall! Or I guess Spring. (THIS COAT WILL NOT PASS ONTO OFFSPRING)
Duality (LE)
Blackflag (LE)
Hey guys, Daemon Blackflag here from Team Fennux, gonna show you how to get started with the Blackflag coat. (THIS COAT WILL NOT PASS ONTO OFFSPRING)
The NPC Fennux is a robotic creature that is able to assist with dueling. It's white/black/blue color scheme is very high-tech. Please note it's blue glowing, cyber eyes.