ChomperName: 5100fc004ef7d | ID# 5100fc004ef7d | Normal Ears | DEN | Normal Tail | Female | Short | Neutral | No Hair | Size 6 | Amazon | Onyx | Dueling Tier: 1 of 2 | Owner: o0oStrawberryWineo0o Resident |
ChomperName: Bit-o-Sash M | ID# 510794a592b68 | Normal Ears | 4367 days | Normal Tail | Male | Wavy | Neutral | No Hair | Size 6 | Amazon | Cardinal | Dueling Tier: 1 of 1 | Owner: o0oStrawberryWineo0o Resident |
ChomperName: Bit-o-Sash F | ID# 510e2d1ebf539 | Normal Ears | 4340 days | Normal Tail | Female | Wavy | Neutral | No Hair | Size 6 | Amazon | Cardinal | Dueling Tier: 1 of 1 | Owner: o0oStrawberryWineo0o Resident |