Static Name: 5137c422609b0 | ID# 5137c422609b0 | Normal Ears | DEN | Normal Tail | Female | Common | Neutral | No Hair | Size 6 | Western | Chocolate | Dueling Tier: 1 of 1 | Owner: Strengthwithin Resident |
Static Name: 513e5ba27514b | ID# 513e5ba27514b | Normal Ears | DEN | Normal Tail | Female | Common | Neutral | No Hair | Size 6 | Western | Chocolate | Dueling Tier: 1 of 1 | Owner: Strengthwithin Resident |
Desert Name: 5144f5152e92e | ID# 5144f5152e92e | Normal Ears | 4369 days | Normal Tail | Male | Common | Neutral | No Hair | Size 6 | Saharan | Chocolate | Dueling Tier: 1 of 1 | Owner: Strengthwithin Resident |