DesertName: 517086fc13272 | ID# 517086fc13272 | Normal Ears | DEN | Normal Tail | Male | Common | Neutral | No Hair | Size 6 | Saharan | Chocolate | Dueling Tier: 1 of 1 | Owner: TheONEandONLYChandrika Resident |
StaticName: 51771ea16f0a7 | ID# 51771ea16f0a7 | Normal Ears | DEN | Normal Tail | Female | Common | Wild | No Hair | Size 7 | Western | Chocolate | Dueling Tier: 1 of 2 | Owner: TheONEandONLYChandrika Resident |
StaticName: 517db621c488e | ID# 517db621c488e | Normal Ears | DEN | Normal Tail | Female | Short | Wild | No Hair | Size 6 | Western | Cardinal | Dueling Tier: 1 of 1 | Owner: TheONEandONLYChandrika Resident |