Desert Name: S1 Big7 Tail1 D3 | ID# 512367c3e1a1b | Normal Ears | 4397 days | Wolf Tail | Male | Common | Neutral | No Hair | Size 7 | Saharan | Slate | Dueling Tier: 3 of 3 | Owner: Boboche Ghost |
| Alaska Name: P1 Big7 Tail1 D3 | ID# 5107800618a96 | Normal Ears | 4413 days | Wolf Tail | Male | Common | Wild | No Hair | Size 7 | Polar | Phanta | Dueling Tier: 3 of 3 | Owner: Boboche Ghost |
| | Desert Name: S1 Tail1 D3 | ID# 50d5f88c10c0e | Normal Ears | 4456 days | Wolf Tail | Male | Common | Wild | No Hair | Size 6 | Saharan | Ocean | Dueling Tier: 3 of 3 | Owner: Boboche Ghost |
| Static Name: W1 Big7 Tail1 D3 | ID# 510e143e89a5b | Normal Ears | 4413 days | Wolf Tail | Male | Common | Wild | No Hair | Size 7 | Western | Cardinal | Dueling Tier: 3 of 3 | Owner: Boboche Ghost |
Static Name: W1 Big7 Tail1 D3 | ID# 50f82c30ea9b4 | Normal Ears | 4430 days | Wolf Tail | Female | Short | Tame | No Hair | Size 7 | Western | Ocean | Dueling Tier: 3 of 3 | Owner: Boboche Ghost |
| Alaska Name: P1 Tail1 D3 | ID# 511acf4f63f92 | Normal Ears | 4403 days | Wolf Tail | Female | Common | Tame | No Hair | Size 6 | Polar | Cardinal | Dueling Tier: 3 of 3 | Owner: Boboche Ghost |
| | Static Name: W1 Big7 Tail1 D3 | ID# 50f82c30ea9b4 | Normal Ears | 4430 days | Wolf Tail | Female | Short | Tame | No Hair | Size 7 | Western | Ocean | Dueling Tier: 3 of 3 | Owner: Boboche Ghost |
| Static Name: W1 Big7 Tail1 D3 | ID# 511ccee9ad77d | Normal Ears | 4400 days | Wolf Tail | Female | Common | Neutral | No Hair | Size 7 | Western | Ocean | Dueling Tier: 3 of 3 | Owner: Boboche Ghost |
Desert Name: S1 Tail1 D3 | ID# 512a0fdac37ae | Normal Ears | 4392 days | Wolf Tail | Male | Common | Wild | No Hair | Size 6 | Saharan | Ocean | Dueling Tier: 3 of 3 | Owner: Boboche Ghost |
| Alaska Name: P1 Big7 Tail1 D3 | ID# 512f733583cc2 | Normal Ears | 4388 days | Wolf Tail | Female | Short | Neutral | No Hair | Size 7 | Polar | Forest | Dueling Tier: 3 of 3 | Owner: maru Laval |
| | Static Name: W1 Tail1 D3 | ID# 510c21043e01a | Normal Ears | 4413 days | Wolf Tail | Male | Common | Neutral | No Hair | Size 6 | Western | Ocean | Dueling Tier: 3 of 3 | Owner: Boboche Ghost |
| Static Name: W1 Big7 D4 | ID# 5128b0e318467 | Normal Ears | 4392 days | Normal Tail | Female | Common | Tame | No Hair | Size 7 | Western | Phanta | Dueling Tier: 4 of 4 | Owner: Boboche Ghost |
Desert Name: S1 Tail1 D3 | ID# 513f4e9ea4443 | Normal Ears | 4372 days | Wolf Tail | Male | Common | Tame | No Hair | Size 6 | Saharan | Ocean | Dueling Tier: 3 of 3 | Owner: Boboche Ghost |
| | Desert Name: S1 Tail1 D4 | ID# 51376996d30e6 | Normal Ears | 4377 days | Wolf Tail | Female | Common | Wild | No Hair | Size 6 | Saharan | Ocean | Dueling Tier: 4 of 4 | Owner: Boboche Ghost |
Desert Name: S1 Tail1 D3 | ID# 5165d70aedb38 | Normal Ears | 4346 days | Wolf Tail | Female | Common | Neutral | No Hair | Size 6 | Saharan | Ocean | Dueling Tier: 3 of 3 | Owner: Boboche Ghost |