Jams Name: 5198713fd7aac | ID# 5198713fd7aac | Normal Ears | 4317 days | Normal Tail | Male | Common | Neutral | No Hair | Size 6 | Mystery | Ocean | Dueling Tier: 1 of 2 | Owner: Buayen Resident |
| Jams Name: 5198a312188ec | ID# 5198a312188ec | Normal Ears | 4317 days | Normal Tail | Female | Short | Tame | No Hair | Size 6 | Mystery | Slate | Dueling Tier: 1 of 2 | Owner: Buayen Resident |
| | Jams Name: NJSucksLollyPops | ID# 519ce866c4abf | Normal Ears | 4314 days | Normal Tail | Male | Common | Tame | No Hair | Size 6 | Mystery | Chocolate | Dueling Tier: 1 of 1 | Owner: Nailah Juliesse |
| Jams Name: ClaireSucksBananas | ID# 519b1163c0b06 | Wolf Ears | 4315 days | Normal Tail | Female | Wavy | Wild | No Hair | Size 8 | Mystery | Ocean | Dueling Tier: 1 of 1 | Owner: Nailah Juliesse |