DemonName: MT Demon CLLL F~I | ID# 55af175681204 | Clipped Ears | 3478 days | Lion Tail | Male | Common | Tame | Leaf Hawk | Size 6 | Fantasy | Fire and Ice | Dueling Tier: 1 of 1 | Owner: Shi43 Resident |
| DemonName: MW Demon CLL F~I | ID# 55b5d6530120c | Cat Ears | 3473 days | Lion Tail | Male | Common | Wild | Leaf Hawk | Size 6 | Fantasy | Fire and Ice | Dueling Tier: 1 of 1 | Owner: Shi43 Resident |
| | DemonName: MT Demon CLLL F~I | ID# 55af175681204 | Clipped Ears | 3478 days | Lion Tail | Male | Common | Tame | Leaf Hawk | Size 6 | Fantasy | Fire and Ice | Dueling Tier: 1 of 1 | Owner: Shi43 Resident |
| DemonName: MW Demon FSL F~I | ID# 5591d7fc77192 | Fennec Ears | 3493 days | Shiba Tail | Male | Short | Wild | Leaf Hawk | Size 6 | Fantasy | Fire and Ice | Dueling Tier: 1 of 1 | Owner: Shi43 Resident |
CreamberryName: FN CRBRY FSL Sky LW | ID# 55ac2824f10a8 | Fennec Ears | 3478 days | Shiba Tail | Female | Long Wavy | Neutral | Leaf Hawk | Size 6 | Fantasy | Sky | Dueling Tier: 1 of 1 | Owner: Shi43 Resident |
| CreamberryName: ~Creamice~ | ID# 55b2c2001c911 | Fennec Ears | 3473 days | Lion Tail | Female | Short | Neutral | Leaf Hawk | Size 6 | Fantasy | Fire and Ice | Dueling Tier: 1 of 1 | Owner: Shi43 Resident |
| | CreamberryName: FN CRBRY FSL Sky LW | ID# 55ac2824f10a8 | Fennec Ears | 3478 days | Shiba Tail | Female | Long Wavy | Neutral | Leaf Hawk | Size 6 | Fantasy | Sky | Dueling Tier: 1 of 1 | Owner: Shi43 Resident |
| GullyName: ~Gullife~ | ID# 55536998f206a | Fennec Ears | 3493 days | Lion Tail | Female | Short | Tame | Leaf Hawk | Size 6 | Polar | Fire and Ice | Dueling Tier: 2 of 2 | Owner: Shi43 Resident |
CreamberryName: MW CRBRY CLL Pyro | ID# 55c9a2e0c6f7a | Cat Ears | 3452 days | Lion Tail | Male | Common | Wild | Leaf Hawk | Size 6 | Fantasy | Pyro | Dueling Tier: 1 of 1 | Owner: Shi43 Resident |
| CreamberryName: FT CRBRY CLL F~I | ID# 55c31c3f51f1d | Cat Ears | 3452 days | Lion Tail | Female | Common | Tame | Leaf Hawk | Size 6 | Fantasy | Fire and Ice | Dueling Tier: 1 of 1 | Owner: Shi43 Resident |
| | DemonName: MW Demon CSL F~I | ID# 55ea9f41beb4d | Cat Ears | 3432 days | Shiba Tail | Male | Common | Wild | Leaf Hawk | Size 6 | Fantasy | Fire and Ice | Dueling Tier: 1 of 1 | Owner: Shi43 Resident |
| DemonName: FN Demon CSL F~I | ID# 55bc51bfd8201 | Cat Ears | 3432 days | Shiba Tail | Female | Common | Neutral | Leaf Hawk | Size 6 | Fantasy | Fire and Ice | Dueling Tier: 1 of 1 | Owner: Shi43 Resident |
CreamberryName: MN CRBRY CLL Sky | ID# 55ffb3c61557d | Cat Ears | 3412 days | Lion Tail | Male | Common | Neutral | Leaf Hawk | Size 6 | Fantasy | Sky | Dueling Tier: 1 of 1 | Owner: Shi43 Resident |
| | DemonName: FT Demon CSL F~I D2 | ID# 560072f33ee5a | Cat Ears | 3412 days | Shiba Tail | Female | Short | Tame | Leaf Hawk | Size 6 | Fantasy | Fire and Ice | Dueling Tier: 2 of 2 | Owner: Shi43 Resident |
CreamberryName: FW CRBRY CSL F~I | ID# 56134340bb8c0 | Cat Ears | 3378 days | Shiba Tail | Female | Common | Wild | Leaf Hawk | Size 6 | Fantasy | Fire and Ice | Dueling Tier: 1 of 1 | Owner: Shi43 Resident |