Creamberry Name: MN CRBRY CLL F~I | ID# 55f281922907b | Cat Ears | 3424 days | Lion Tail | Male | Common | Neutral | Leaf Hawk | Size 6 | Fantasy | Fire and Ice | Dueling Tier: 1 of 1 | Owner: Shi43 Resident |
| Atomic Name: 56ec900c17586 | ID# 56ec900c17586 | Fennec Ears | 3282 days | Shiba Tail | Male | Common | Tame | Leaf Hawk | Size 4 | Fantasy | Fire and Ice | Dueling Tier: 1 of 1 | Owner: tamil123 Resident |
| | Atomic Name: 570c5879cc1ac | ID# 570c5879cc1ac | Lynx Ears | 3242 days | Lion Tail | Male | Common | Neutral | Leaf Hawk | Size 6 | Fantasy | Radiance | Dueling Tier: 1 of 1 | Owner: lowki5150 Resident |
| Creamberry Name: MN CRBRY CLL F~I | ID# 55f281922907b | Cat Ears | 3424 days | Lion Tail | Male | Common | Neutral | Leaf Hawk | Size 6 | Fantasy | Fire and Ice | Dueling Tier: 1 of 1 | Owner: Shi43 Resident |
Creamberry Name: FW CRBRY CSL F~I | ID# 56134340bb8c0 | Cat Ears | 3424 days | Shiba Tail | Female | Common | Wild | Leaf Hawk | Size 6 | Fantasy | Fire and Ice | Dueling Tier: 1 of 1 | Owner: Shi43 Resident |
| Atomic Name: 56eb0639f2139 | ID# 56eb0639f2139 | Cat Ears | 3282 days | Shiba Tail | Female | Common | Wild | Leaf Hawk | Size 4 | Fantasy | Aqualight | Dueling Tier: 1 of 1 | Owner: tamil123 Resident |
| | Atomic Name: AtomicFSLsz1 | ID# 570cfa078bd35 | Fennec Ears | 3242 days | Shiba Tail | Female | Long Wavy | Tame | Leaf Hawk | Size 1 | Fantasy | Organic | Dueling Tier: 1 of 1 | Owner: lowki5150 Resident |
| Creamberry Name: FW CRBRY CSL F~I | ID# 56134340bb8c0 | Cat Ears | 3424 days | Shiba Tail | Female | Common | Wild | Leaf Hawk | Size 6 | Fantasy | Fire and Ice | Dueling Tier: 1 of 1 | Owner: Shi43 Resident |
Creamberry Name: MT CRBRY CSL F~I | ID# 566e95d159461 | Cat Ears | 3219 days | Shiba Tail | Male | Common | Tame | Leaf Hawk | Size 6 | Fantasy | Fire and Ice | Dueling Tier: 1 of 1 | Owner: Shi43 Resident |
| Atomic Name: FN Atom FSL F~I 4 | ID# 571c31668a195 | Fennec Ears | 3219 days | Shiba Tail | Female | Common | Neutral | Leaf Hawk | Size 4 | Fantasy | Fire and Ice | Dueling Tier: 1 of 1 | Owner: Shi43 Resident |
| | Atomic Name: MW Ato CLL Rad 3 | ID# 573011810945f | Cat Ears | 3230 days | Lion Tail | Male | Common | Wild | Leaf Hawk | Size 3 | Fantasy | Radiance | Dueling Tier: 1 of 1 | Owner: Shi43 Resident |
| Creamberry Name: FT CRBRY CSL F~I | ID# 5646f962bf888 | Cat Ears | 3230 days | Shiba Tail | Female | Common | Tame | Leaf Hawk | Size 6 | Fantasy | Fire and Ice | Dueling Tier: 1 of 1 | Owner: Shi43 Resident |
Atomic Name: MW Atom CSL F~I 4 | ID# 57625972427c6 | Cat Ears | 3173 days | Shiba Tail | Male | Common | Wild | Leaf Hawk | Size 4 | Fantasy | Fire and Ice | Dueling Tier: 1 of 1 | Owner: Shi43 Resident |
| | Atomic Name: FN Atom CLL F~I 4 | ID# 576d5b2a4a917 | Cat Ears | 3173 days | Lion Tail | Female | Short | Neutral | Leaf Hawk | Size 4 | Fantasy | Fire and Ice | Dueling Tier: 1 of 1 | Owner: Shi43 Resident |
Atomic Name: FT Atom FSL F~I 3 | ID# 57a4b6530be98 | Fennec Ears | 3069 days | Shiba Tail | Female | Common | Tame | Leaf Hawk | Size 3 | Fantasy | Fire and Ice | Dueling Tier: 1 of 1 | Owner: Shi43 Resident |